Sunday, May 25, 2008

Choose your poison II - petrol or diesel?

We were recently faced with a decision time relating to our car. The car had started playing up to the point that we felt the time was right to consider what to do with it. The decision was taken to replace it.

In researching the future, we were disappointed to see how the govenerment and motor industry are now presenting diesel as the future - lower CO2 emissions and significantly reduced road tax charges present consumers with a compelling case based on saving money.

But what about the direct impact on humans? Not global warming but the quality of air life for you, me, and our children - here and now today?

Diesels emit substantially greater volumes of particulates and nitrogen oxides than petrol

Particulates cause major repository problems, and contribute to cardiovascular and asthma related deaths by their deep penetration of the lungs. The nitrogen oxides combine with other chemicals to make the smog situation much worse. Ever looked at the reddy-brown haze hanging over our cities on hot summer days?

So why not bio-fuels? Mmm. Well that encourages farmers to switch from food to energy production, pushing up the cost of food production (which especially hurts developing countries), worsens the world food situation, and adds to environmental disasters such as palm oil/ rainforest deforestation. Even in the UK, the growth of bio-fuels has seen the "explosion" of rape fields.

I don't have immediate easy answers but let's at least stop kidding ourselves and face up to the reality.